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About the Band Boosters

Who are members of the Booster Club? 

Every parent/guardian of every band student!


Booster membership is included in class band fees, so every band student's parents/guardians (and sisters and brothers!) are band boosters.  When you compliment your student for practicing, you're a booster!  When you clean the concert clothes they forgot about, you're a booster!  Beyond this, boosters also volunteer for events, raise funds to keep the program affordable; and help coordinate operational and non-musical aspects of the program. These events and functions help shape band students' lifelong friendships . Through a servant's heart, the Booster Club is always willing and able to do what needs to be done to support our students.


Executive Board

The members of the Executive Board are here to help guide and coordinate the Booster Club to help further and fulfill the Booster Club's mission and purpose. We encourage all parents who have students in the Wheeler Band Program to participate in any way with the Booster Club. With us, you make lifelong friendships, make a meaningful difference in the student experience, and best of all, you get the opportunity to share in that experience with your loved ones.


Gary Stephens

President - wheelerbandprez [at]


Ryan Brodie

VP of Operations - wheelerbandvp [at]


Agnes Garcia

VP of Fundraising - wheelerbandfundraise [at]


Julie Klein

VP of Volunteerism - wheelerbandvolunteerism [at]


Ellen Sauve'

Secretary - wheelerbandsec [at]


Josh and Lena Carstens

Treasurers - wheelerbandtreasurer [at]


Get in Touch

Have a question, but not sure who to ask?


Complete the inquiry form and the appropriate Booster Board Member will contact you! 

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